Helpful reasons for Scottish internal migration- in 1830- 39.

Internal migration is a type of voluntary migration where people move within their own countries. Common causes of internal migration include economic opportunities, the desire to live somewhere with a familiar culture, and seeking a better climate. If you keep reading, I will tell you the main reasons for internal migration in 1830.

Reasons for internal migration.

One reason is overpopulation in the highlands led to the sub division of land, this was where land was divided between crofters and farmers. This made people migrate as they struggled to make a living off of their crops.

Another reason for Scottish migration is the potato famine. In 1846 the potato blight wiped out the potato crop in Scotland- led to many Scots migrating as it left thousands at risk of starvation.

Another reason was highland clearances. Scots were forced to evict by landlords who replaced crofters with sheep and deer as they were more profitable and led to many scots migrating as they were looking for new homes.

Another reason why was the failure of the kelp and herring industry. Due to foreign competition led to many highlanders losing their jobs, this led to scots migrating as they were unemployed and needed another source of income.

Another reason for migration was the attraction to big cities. They attracted many young scots as ruaral life had few attractions with long hours and dull jobs keeping social life to a minimum- led many Scots migrating for a better social life and a better standard of living.

Another reason was that higher wages were attractive as agricultural workers could be earn 50% more in the urban areas of Scotland- led to many Scots migrating for better pay which could improve their quality of life.

Another reason for migration of Scots was the Industrial Revolution created many new jobs in the industrial heartlands of Scotland in factories, mills, shipyards and mines- led to many Scots migrating in search of new employment opportunities.

The agricultural revolution led to many changes in farming methods and new technology being created
like reapers and tractors which meant there was less need for farm workers- led to many Scots
migrating as there were less jobs in farming and they looked elsewhere for employment.

Another reason for internal migration of scots was encouragement from family and friends who had already migrated to the big cities sent letters home telling of a better life- led to many Scots migrating as they were encouraged by the attraction of a better quality of life.

Another reason for internal migration of scots is freedoms of marriage in towns and cities were attractive as in the Highlands married male farm workers still had to live in single men’s apartments or bothies on the farm- led to many Scots migrating so they could marry and be together.

Another reasons for internal migration was transport methods such as the development of steamboats and the railway network meant travel internally and abroad was more accessible- led to many Scots migrating as it was easier and cheaper and quicker to travel.

Another reason Scots migrated was here there was a poor quality of housing in the countryside like the Lowlands like bothies which were houses shared by farm labourers- led to many Scots migrating in search of a better standard of housing.

Another reason Scots migrated was harsh working conditions made life in rural Scotland difficult with long hours and low pay- led to many Scots migrating as they could have an easier life and better job in bigger cities.

Another reason that Scots migrated was because many Scots lost business due to industrialisation as rural craftspeople couldn’t compete with new technology creating the same products e.g. handloom weavers- led to many Scots migrating as they struggled to make a living from their business.

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