Delicious Chicken And Broccoli Pasta Bake Ready In 35 Minutes

Family Night Chicken and Broccoli Pasta Bake 24
Delicious chicken and broccoli pasta bake ready in 35 minutes!

Are you having a big family dinner this Sunday? Maybe you’re fancying pasta including chicken for dinner, but you just do not know what one? Maybe you’re making a quick dinner for the kids, straight after school before dropping them at their favourite sports club or maybe before you go visit the grandparents? Well, no matter the occasion, this pasta bake is the recipe you have been searching for all along! And if you keep reading, you can find out how easy and quick it is to make!

This meal is perfect for friends coming over, a Sunday dinner, a date night or even for the family coming over to visit, everyone will love it as it tastes amazing!

The amazing chicken and broccoli pasta bake take only around 35 minutes to make, with about 15- 20 to prepare and other time to cook! It tastes delicious, does not require many ingredients and does not take long to tidy up after! Everyone in the whole family would love it, and so will you!

So let’s get to the recipe!

Chicken and Broccoli bake- ingredients.

This recipe makes 1 serving, so if you would like more, just times it by the number of servings you would like! For example, if you are serving 4, you would times the chicken by 4, resulting in you needing 2 chicken breasts!

It does not take many ingredients for this amazing recipe, but here are all of the ones that are required to get the sensational taste;

75 grams of pasta

75 grams of broccoli

5 MLS of olive oil

½ of one chicken breast

½ of one garlic clove

5 ml of wholegrain mustard

50 ml of orange juice

That’s it! I know the ingredients may sound a bit strange, or very strange, but trust me, it all works out tasting great!

Chicken and broccoli pasta bake- equipment

Here is a list of all the equipment that you will need t make the pasta bake-

  • Red/meat chopping board
  • Chefs Knife
  • Large Pot
  • Green/ vegetable chopping board
  • vegetable knife
  • Frying pan
  • measuring spoons
  • small bowl
  • weighing scales
  • colander or sieve
  • fork
  • desert spoon!

You may find that you need more equipment as you go on, but these are the main pieces of equipment you will be using! Now let’s get to the method for how we make our amazing chicken and broccoli pasta bake!

Chicken and Broccoli pasta bake- recipe method!

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chicken and broccoli pasta bake, the method!

Before we get going, make sure to wash your hands, make sure your equipment and working surface is clean and that your hair is up and out of the way!

  • Start with your chef’s knife and your red/ meat chopping board. Get your 1/2 chicken breast and cut it into bite-size pieces! Make sure to wipe down your knife if you’re going to reuse this when it is done as you were just handling raw meat!
  • Then, on the green/ veg chopping board, cut your broccoli into small florets, and then set these on a plate at the side until you will be using them. Finely chop the garlic as small as you can, or you can crush it into a paste it is completely up to you!
  • Fill half a large pot with water, and then add in a pinch of salt to the water. Weigh out the pasta once your water is boiling (put a lid on to allow it to boil quicker) and then cook the pasta for 8-10 minutes, until it goes al dente.
  • In the meantime, gently heat your oil in a frying pan, and once it is heated up, add in your chopped chicken, frying and stirring it occasionally until it has gone white and cooked all through and is golden brown on the outside. Once your chicken is ready, add in the garlic and cook it for 2 minutes.
  • After the 8 minutes of your pasta boiling it up, add in your broccoli and then cook for 3 minutes in the water.
  • Grab your small bowl and mix in your mustard and your orange juice. Then, pour your mixture over the chicken and garlic in the pan, and then place the pan back on the heat and allow the mixture to simmer gently for around two minutes.
  • Then get your sieve or colander, (it depends on how big your mixture is, a sieve for smaller and a colander for bigger) Drain the pasta and broccoli, but reserve 3 tablespoons of the water from the pasta in your large pot.
  • Then, take your pan off the heat and add in the pasta and broccoli mixture to the chicken and sauce, place it back on the heat and stir the mixture all through.
  • Stir in all of the water that you reserved in your pot, and stir it well and throughout. Leave the mixture on the heat for a minute, then take it off and place it onto a pot stand. If you would like, you can sprinkle grated cheese over the bake at this point, and also salt and pepper, but you may want to taste it before seasoning to make sure it needs it.
  • Allow the mixture to cool down, and then share it onto plates, and serve! That is, the tasty, chicken and broccoli pasta bake recipe is complete!

And that is it, your pasta bake should be complete! Like I said at the beginning, it is a healthy, easy, tasty recipe that everyone will love, and that is ready in no time!

If you would like to make a starter to go with the chicken and broccoli pasta bake, click here!

If you would like to make a delicious raspberry bake-well tart for the desert, just try this link here.

And that is it! Thank you for reading and check out for more great recipes and other articles like book reviews.

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