Chia Seeds – What Are They And 3 Amazing Recipes To Use Them In

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Chia seeds- What are they and 3 amazing recipes to use them in!

What are chia seeds?

Chia seeds. I bet you have heard them everywhere, TikTok, Instagram and different Pinterest recipes, there all over the place. But what are they? What actually are chia seeds? And why should I use them? Well, if you keep reading this I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about the interesting trend that is circling the world right now!

Chia seeds are the edible seeds from Salvia Hispanica, a flowering plant. They have many benefits including weight loss, and hair benefits and can be a laxative, I will go into more detail on all of these though. They can also do things that help a lot with help, like lower cholesterol.

Hair benefits from chia seeds!

As I said earlier they have many benefits for your hair. For starters, it can help strengthen your hair. The high concentration of proteins in chia seeds can help strengthen your hair and allow it to grow and thicken a lot more. The seeds can also do things such as help increase hair growth, boosts elasticity and can also prevent dry, frizzy hair.

Chia seeds weight loss!

From boosting digestive health, metabolic rate, high iron, Omega-3 content and useful fats, chia seeds make for an excellent addition to your diet. They are one of the best superfoods in the world for fat burn, especially for burning stomach or belly fat.

Two tablespoons of seeds have roughly 10 grams of fibre, which is roughly 40% of the recommended daily fibre intake, and diets high in fibre are linked with weight loss. Apparently, eating 30 grams of fibre a day may help you lose just as much weight as a more complicated weight loss diet.

So, what can I actually do with the seeds? Keep reading to find out.

What can I use chia seeds for?

You can add chia seeds to many things, such as salads, smoothies, oatmeal, or even soup, but today ill focus on 3 main recipes that are good to add chia seeds into.

Number one is- A berry smoothie bowl!

All you will need is frozen berries, frozen bananas (if your frozen berries do not include bananas), 1tbsp chia seeds and almond milk!

Get your blender and fill roughly half of it with your frozen berries and bananas. Then, pour a half cup of almond milk in and add some ice. Pour in your chia seeds and get ready to blend. Smoothie bowls are really thick so this will take a while to blend. Blend it all together and when there are no chunks of fruit left, pour it all into a bowl and smooth it all out across the bowl. Sprinkle some chia seeds over the top. You can also add fruit over the top to decorate if you would like!

Recipe number two is- chia seed water!

So I know this one sounds basic, and you are just thinking “it’s just water with chia seeds in it, why do we need this?” but this is actually one of the best ones. This is a really strong laxative and is good for cleansing the gut, lets’s just say after drinking it, it won’t be long until you’re on the toilet!

All it is, is a glass of cold water (if you want to add ice, you can!) and add 1 tablespoon of seeds into the water. Then add a drop of lemon juice and it is ready to drink! It doesn’t taste the worst but the texture is not the best!

The last recipe is- Chia seed yoghurt!

Again this is a really simple but effective recipe to follow, it is just To make a single serving of chia seed pudding with yoghurt, combine 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of yoghurt, 2 tbsp of chia seeds, and sweetener of choice. Once you’ve mixed it all together, add it to a bowl or container and top it off with fruit and it’s ready to go!

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And that’s us done! that is basically everything you need to know about social media’s current obsession!

If you’re looking for somewhere to buy them from, click here

To make a delicious, healthy stirfry on your weight loss journey, click here

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