Search Results for: nibbana


Is Nibbana significant and interesting in the beliefs for Buddhists?

Nibbana is an important belief for Buddhists. It is the Ultimate goal for buddhists, their full lives they are striving to reach it. You need to stop fuelling the fires of the three root poisons, greed, hatred and ignorance, as when these fires are still burning you are still trapped in the wheel of samsara. […]

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What is Reformation- interesting purposes of punishment 3!

What is Reformation? (KU) Moral Issues Raised by Reformation (KU) Generic Christian Responses to crime (KU) Jesus taught forgiveness and compassion so everyone deserves achance to change. – We are all God’s children so we are all equal in the eyes of God.– Everyone is the same– “Only God can judge” criminals will receive punishment

Protection- important purposes of punishment 2.

What is Protection? (KU) Moral Issues Raised by Protection (KU) Generic Christian Responses to crime (KU) NEW TESTEMENT; OLD TESTEMNT: – “An eye for an eye” whatever is done to you should be able to bedone back.– Examples of God seeking revenge in the story of Moses (carrying outCP to the first-born Egyptian son. Generic

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Retribution and religion- 1 of the interesting purposes of punishment!

Retribution. One of the purposes of punishment, and religious responses to them. What is Retribution? (KU) – theory of justice that holds that the best response to a crime is a punishment proportional to the offense, inflicted because the offender deserves the punishment.– Means revenge but can be looked at as getting back at someone

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Sangha- 2nd most important festival in Buddhism.

There are many purposes for the sangha. It can be known as the worldwide spiritual community of buddhists, where they get together to practise teachings. It can also refer to smaller communities, like the monastery with monks and nuns. It is a life of devotion to buddhist ideals, and was created by the buddha (1K).

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Nature Of Human beings- 2 interesting Buddhism facts.

Nature of HB- Tanha The Nature of Human Beings (NOHB) as a belief for Buddhists is comprised of three parts. One part of the belief is Tanha. Tanha literally means craving. Cravings are caused by being attachedto impermanent things as we are under the illusion that things are going to last forever. Tanha is the

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Causes of Crime- interesting facts about upbringing and aces.

If you are brought up in an area where crime is high or your parent is a criminal, this becomes acceptable or normalised behaviour (learned behaviour). Studies on ACES (adverse childhood experiences) show those who havesuffered trauma in their childhood – such as abuse, neglect, community violence, homelessness or growing up in a household where

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Poverty – 2 main causes of crime and religious responses!

Two of the main causes of crime, is poverty and upbringing. Poverty- cause 1. Financial Issues- won’t be able to afford things, feeling excluded, in debt. Craving for a male role model which could mean they could get into relationships younger, and they won’t know or understand what healthy relationships look like so are more

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The importance of the 3 marks of existence- helpful info to know!

In Buddhism, there are 3 marks of existence- Annica, anatta and dukkha! If you keep reading this article, I will describe, summarise all 3 of the MOA’s, and then tell you their importance. 3 marks of existence- Annica! One mark of existence (MOE) is Annica. Anicca means impermanence and this is the idea that nothing

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