What is Reformation- interesting purposes of punishment 3!

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What is Reformation- interesting purposes of punishment 3!

What is Reformation? (KU)

  • Tries to support the criminal to reform and see the error of their
  • It aims for fundamental changes in the offenders and their
    thoughts and behaviour.
  • Tries to rehabilitate the criminal to become a law abiding citizen
    for release into society.
  • The criminal should learn about the impact of their actions and
    how it causes others harm and pain.
  • Protects the basic rights a human is entitled to. Based on the
    principle that even if an offender commits a crime he does not
    cease to be a human being.
  • Trying to understand the criminal’s behaviour so you can prevent
  • Examples: rehab, individualised programmes with specialised
    support, education.

Moral Issues Raised by Reformation (KU)

  • Duty: it is our duty to protect society and reformation doesn’t
    always work (high reoffending rate 67%)
  • Rights: everyone entitled to be safe. This affects children (not
    protecting them)
  • Duty: some people don’t want to be reformed
  • Duty to give justice: how does this make the victim feel – victim
    deserves justice

Generic Christian Responses to crime (KU)

Jesus taught forgiveness and compassion so everyone deserves a
chance to change.

– We are all God’s children so we are all equal in the eyes of God.
– Everyone is the same
– “Only God can judge” criminals will receive punishment in hell
– Jesus taught his followers to forgive and “turn the other cheek”.
– There are examples of this in the Bible when Jesus forgave the criminals on the cross beside him

– Jesus taught in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats (Matthew 25: 36) that people who help those in need will go to Heaven. This is because Jesus identifies himself with the outcasts, including prisoners. Those who treat the outcasts well will have eternal life, which means they will go to Heaven.
– Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?’ Matthew 7:3
– “Give to the one who begs from you and don’t refuse the one who
borrows from you” (Matthew 5:42)

Old testament-
– “An eye for an eye” whatever is done to you should be able to be done back.
– Examples of God seeking revenge in the story of Moses (carrying out CP to the first-born Egyptian son)

Generic Buddhist Responses to Crime (KU)

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– Buddhists are also taught to show compassion and forgiveness to others, and they will aim to demonstrate loving-kindness to all human beings, including those who have committed a crime.
– Buddhists believe we should not have actions fuelled by the 3RPs
– Buddhists follow the five precepts which are a set of ethics that Buddhists should follow for example ‘I abstain from harming any living thing’ and ‘I abstain from taking what is not freely given’
– Buddhists also believe that any actions they have should be Skilful ones and they should avoid any unskilful actions as the Kamma that any actions generate will affect their rebirth and their ability to
reach Nibbana.

Generic Non-Religious Responses to crime and reformation (KU)

– consequentialist ethical system which means they are concerned with the consequences of an action
– Their aim is to achieve the greatest happiness for the greatest number (majority)
– Something is morally correct if it satisfies majority
– aim to minimise the pain or suffering and maximise happiness
– J.S Mill revenge is bad as it causes a revengeful society so rehabilitation is better as he argued if you take someone’s life it was acceptable to “blot him out of the fellowship of mankind” he felt
prison more inhumane than CP
– Bentham also better to aim for reformation as revenge is one evil
adding to another

For more on reformation click on this link here!

for more types of purposes of punishment like reformation click here!

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