Top 5 Gym Bag Essentials To Help Prepare You To Get Your Perfect Body

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Top 5 gym bag essentials to help prepare you to get your perfect body!

Have you recently started the gym? Maybe you have a few weeks, months, or even years in, but have just purchased your first duffel, or equipment bag? You are confused, as they have a lot of compartments and you don’t know how to fill them. Maybe you have put a few things in, but it is looking awful empty.

Well, no matter your situation, if you keep reading, I can tell you the best and most advised equipment for your bag! Not only will I tell you all about great equipment and its advantages, but I will also recommend great pieces of equipment at great prices since things do not need to be expensive to be great!

Gym Bag Essential No.1

Gym clothes. This is a need, an essential and it could come in handy at any moment. It could be a spare change of clothes in case you notice something wrong with the ones you are wearing, or ones to change into if you are heading down straight after work.

These clothes could go from basic shorts and a t-shirt as a spare change, a set just in case, or it could even be a spare baggy, oversized t-shirt in case your feel bloated or cold. A spare change of clothes is always a good thing to have, even if you never wear them you always know they are there!

If you are looking for some good quality, but affordable gym clothes, then try these out! Gym Clothes! I love Sapphire-waves sports clothes, like I said they are such an affordable price but so comfy and flexible!

Gym Bag Essential No.2

Protein powder. The next item I am going to talk about is the one and only, protein powder. When it comes to protein powder, it can all get a little bit confusing. There are so many flavours, so many types, that you find yourself lost in the shop wondering, should I get muscle gain or energy boost? Or what about tone and lean? But there’s strawberry or salted caramel, but maybe chocolate. There are so many different uses that it all does get confusing.

I do recommend doing a bit of research on protein powder before purchasing. You can get pre-workout, creatine, bulk and so much more but I recommend looking into it first to see which would suit you best!

I recommend keeping a tub or packet in your bag, as you will always have it with you and know exactly where to find it, but if you would rather keep it in your kitchen, that is up to you!

If you’d like to buy some protein powder, I recommend this one, as it is affordable and works great! Lots of celebrities and professionals rate this one good, and it always gets good reviews, it tastes great too! Click here, there are so many great flavours too!

Gym Bag Essentials No.3

The next thing I recommend for you to be keeping handy in your is a snack. I recommend some source of protein, maybe a protein bar, cookie or sweet treat, or you could have chicken or something. However, I recommend that you keep a protein or a fibre bar as these can be kept in your bag for a while and do not need to be stored at a certain temperature, but maybe change it every few weeks if it is not eaten as obviously, it could go off!

I recommend fibre one, all of their bars are a good shout, you get the fibre ones like brownie bars or birthday cake squares which are amazing snacks before the gym, or you get protein bars with 21g of protein in them.

If you would like to buy some tasty fibre one bars, just click here! The website not only sells delicious bars and doughnuts but also has healthy recipes and meal plans for anyone who is trying to lose weight, tone or is just watching what they eat!

I also recommend carrying a bottle of water in the bag with you, as water is a requirement for the gym to make sure you stay hydrated!

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Gym Bag Essential No.4

Barbell Clamps! Now if your gym is anything like mine, you hate their barbell clamps! Barbell clamps are the clamps that you put on a weight/bar after putting the plate on, to avoid it sliding off, but are the ones your gym provides always so hard and stiff to use? You can never fully get them on, and it takes half as much effort as the workout itself does!

Well, a good thing to add to your bag is barbell clamps! You can buy these for really cheap, and they are beneficial, They also take up less of your workout time as they go on a lot easier, than the useless provided ones!

If you would like to purchase some of these, these are the ones I recommend! They are great to use, easy and pretty cheap! You can even get pretty colours, for example, I have these gorgeous pink ones that you can also get in black! I love them and use them all the time when I’m working out, and they are a lot more practical! Click here to see what I recommend!

Gym Bag Essential No.5

The last, but not least bag essential I recommend, is stretch bands. Resistance loop bands. Now I know this seems simple, but they are a great thing to add to your workout, as they can make a simple exercise 10x harder but work a lot better!

I recommend getting a packet with different strengths, and looped ones as these can be used for leg and arm exercises and also stretches! These are the bands that I use and love! Click here to check out the great bands!

You can also use your bag to store other equipment like barbell pads, lifting belts and workout journals, but these were the 5 that I think even a beginner should use! I hope this helped you decide what to pack in your bag!

If you would like to see my gym plan, please click here!

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