Restolin Review – Can You Really Get Natural Hair Growth Using Just Supplements? 2022 Might Just Be The Year

Restolin Review

Before I get into this restolin review I must confess I am balding (emphasis on the ing :)) so when I saw there was a new product on the market that is supposed to treat and help with hair growth I knew I just had to try it and I was not disappointed.

restolin review
restolin review

Now, this is not a shampoo or a guide on maintaining healthy hair tips it comes in the form of a capsule which you need to take every day, do not skip any days if you want to see long term results it must be built up gradually in your system to see the benefit.

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Losing your hair can happen to both men and women no one is immune to it and it can happen at any age, this can knock your confidence as anyone who is losing their hair will tell you, although it doesn’t hurt physically it can affect you emotionally.

There have been so many different products on the market in the last few years trying to combat this issue and practically none of them show any long term results, the most well known probably being regaine, it just never lived up to the hype.

One thing that has been rumoured to make you lose hair is wearing hats all the time! (as crazy as it may sound) by wearing a hat all the time you are not letting natural light get to your scalp, think of it as nature, trees and flowers need sunlight to grow right?

The same applies to your head and hair, if you are in the habit of wearing a hat every day STOP and let the light in 🙂 this tip is hardly ever talked about online, I found this out from a sergeant in the army reserves when I was just a boy and most of them were indeed bold!

It’s nothing to be ashamed of, even the richest man in the world Elon Musk was bold in his 20s not too many people know that either but the pictures still exist lol once he made his millions he was able to afford a hair transplant which us little people just cannot afford most of the time.

Restolin comes in a few different pack sizes, it starts with 1 bottle, but with this type of product you are better off buying in bulk, the manufacturer has special deals available which make it worth it.

  • 1 bottle – This is enough for a month only.
  • 3 bottles – This is a much better deal and will give you time to fully test the product.
  • 6 bottles – This is still a good deal but if you just want to test I would go for the 3 bottles you can always get more later.

All capsules are manufactured in the USA, the manufacturing facility has been inspected by the FDA under some of the strictest laws in the world, and every step of the manufacturing process has been meticulously scrutinized to make sure the product meets the highest standard.

restolin hair supplement
restolin hair supplement

Does the image above resonate with you? clumps of your hair spilling out onto your combs and brushes? want to keep your hair a little longer? read to the bottom to find out what I thought of this product.

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Restolin Hair Supplement

I was pretty happy that restolin came in a supplement as opposed to just another shampoo that didn’t work and I had paid a fortune for it, I always believe ingesting is the best way to absorb not only supplements but medicines in general.

Restolin Ingredients

You may be wondering what is in this product, I’ll list the ingredients below, there are 9 main ingredients in total and each of them has been picked out especially to give you the best product possible.

  • Graviola Leafs
  • Turmeric
  • Grapeseed
  • Mushroom Complex (Shitake, Reishi, Maitake)
  • Pomegranate
  • Olive Leaf
  • Garlic
  • Green Tea
  • Panax Ginseng

The great thing about these ingredients is they are all 100% natural, absolutely everything is found in the wild, and no toxic or harmful ingredients are involved in the manufacturing what so ever, I wish all companies would take a leaf out of restolins book (pun not intended lol)


What can I say? like you reading this I was pretty sceptical about a supplement being able to make your hair grow, if I had seen this product on the television I would have thought it was a scam but in reality, I was surprised by the results.

Like most men I’m not bald at the side of my head, it’s on the crown, so I deliberately shaved my head into the quick and went over it with a Gillette razor to make sure I was starting with a blank canvas so to speak.

Nothing on week 1, or week 2, on week 3 it started to show some signs of hair growth right on the crown of my scalp, I didn’t want to jump for joy just yet so o left it for another 2 weeks, on the 6th week there was no disputing there was hair where there wasn’t before.

I never had a full head of hair like a rock star but there was an improvement, there was hair coming through, and it was light, it was not thick by any means but the product did work which was what I was trying to prove or disprove.

As I mentioned earlier I am always sceptical of these types of products and you should be too but I was pleasantly surprised at the results, I never went past 8 weeks, mainly because I have other commitments but I often wonder what if I continued with the regimen lol

Do not get your hopes up with this product, yes it showed results but you must be prepared to wait a few months before results show it is not a quick fix by any means, you can read more below, hopefully, this restolin review helped some of my fellow hair challenged readers to try something new that works instead of just being a gimmick.

Just a reminder you can also get the 60-day money-back guarantee if you don’t think this product is working for you, don’t be scared to use it, a good company should always offer this as standard in my opinion.

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