Buddhism and the 5 precepts- interesting facts!

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Buddhism and the 5 precepts– interesting facts!

what are the five precepts?

The five precepts are a set of ethnics that give guidance on how Buddhists should live their life’s. They offer a basic set of moral values that sets on actions that are encouraged and discouraged for Buddhists. Buddhists must live a life style that cultivates good kamma, for a better rebirth and if Buddhists train the 5 precepts, they can achieve this.

One of the purposes of the 5 precepts is that it helps Buddhists to gain good kamma, because it helps them choose actions that avoid breaking the 5 precepts which are unskilful actions. Another purpose of the 5 precepts is it gives guidance to Lay Buddhists on how to live correctly because it sets out things they should strive to avoid in a daily live out with the monastery.

Buddhists ethnics are based on compassion, and universal love for all beings, and any actions motivated by the 4 root poisons, as they will cause suffering. Areas to be avoided on path to enlightenment as they would bring a negative kamma. This is lay Buddhist as they are standards that they can continue to aim for when in a society with temptations compared to a monk in a monastery.

The 5 precepts are;

  1. Refrain from taking life- Not killing any living being. For Buddhists, this includes animals, so many Buddhists choose to be vegetarian.
  2. Refrain from taking what is not given- therefore not stealing from anyone.
  3. Refrain from the misuse of the senses- therefore not having too much sensual pleasure. For example, not looking at people in a lustful way or committing adultery.
  4. Refrain from wrong speech- therefore not lying or gossiping about other people.
  5. Refrain from intoxicants that cloud the mind- therefore not drinking alcohol or taking drugs, as these do not help you to think clearly.

Areas to be avoided on path to enlightenment as they would bring negative kamma- Ideal for Lay Buddhists as they are standard that they can continue to aim for when in a society with temptations compared to a
monk in a monastery.

5 precepts analysis-

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Buddhism and the 5 precepts– interesting facts!

This is an effective purpose because helps Buddhists gain good kamma because it helps them choose actions
that avoid breaking the 5 precepts which are unskilful actions.

This is an effective purpose gives guidance to Lay Buddhists on how to live correctly because it sets
out things they should strive to avoid in daily live out with the monastery.

This is an effective purpose helps Buddhists come closer to enlightenment because steps, such as abstaining from harming living things, link with right action in the N8P which is the path to enlightenment.

Giving the guidance to help Buddhists gain good kamma is beneficial as it helps them make the right choices in life which can help them gain a more desirable rebirth that they aim for.

Helping Buddhists have clear steps to enlightenment is beneficial as this is what Buddhists strive for and is the main aim of the religion.

Reducing use of the 3RPs helps Buddhists reduce their suffering which they strive for but it can also reduce suffering in society as greed and hatred most often leads to misery and pain.

Difficulties of these-

Still need to consider how hard it is for lay Buddhists to avoid misusing the senses when surrounded by temptation in society & eating meat if that’s what is there and they’re struggling to get by.

for more on Buddhism and facts like this, just click on the link here to read!

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